Fig. 1

Fei et al., 2018 - A cargo model of yolk syncytial nuclear migration during zebrafish epiboly
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Fig. 1

Yolk cell microtubule dynamics during epiboly. Panels are lateral views with the animal pole to the top. (A) Embryo schematics during epiboly. (B) Alpha-tubulin antibody staining of sphere-stage embryo. (C-D‴) Live confocal projections of 2 Tg:(XlEef1a1:dclk2DeltaK-GFP) embryos from early to late epiboly (left to right). In C″ arrowheads indicate migrating e-YSN. In D′ arrowheads indicate gaps between microtubule branches. (E) Stills from confocal time-lapse of a Tg:(XlEefla1:GFP-tuba81) embryo during mid-epiboly. Arrowheads indicate migrating e-YSN forming a chain. Scale bars: 100 µm in B-D‴; 25 µm in E.

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