Fig. 7
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- ZDB-FIG-181109-7
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- Romero et al., 2018 - Damage-induced reactive oxygen species enable zebrafish tail regeneration by repositioning of Hedgehog expressing cells
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ROS and Hedgehog signalling do not have similar roles during tail development. a DPI treatment at 100 μM from 14 to 24 hpf does not affect larval tail morphology (10/10, number of experiments = 3). Scale bar is 200 μm. b shha and ihhb expression in the tail is not affected by DPI treatment at 100 μM from 14 to 18 hpf (20/20 for all panels, number of experiments = 2). c tcf7 and raldh2 expression in the tail bud is not affected by treatment with 20 μM cyclopamine from 8 to 16 hpf (20/20 for all panels, number of experiments = 2). d Loss of Hedgehog signalling does not affect tail formation. Larvae were treated with 20 μM cyclopamine from 8 to 10hpf (10/10, number of experiments = 2). Homozygous smob577 mutants (7/7, number of experiments = 2) lack zygotic Hedgehog signalling activity. Embryos were manually dechorionated prior to chemical treatment |