cftr mutant induces nanos1/vasa-marked PGCs disorder in early zebrafish embryo. Analysis of localization of nanos1/vasa positive cells in offspring embryos from WT and mutant line by WISH at 4-cell stage (A), Dome stage (B), 50% Epiboly stage (C), 8-somite stage (D) and Prim-5 stage (E). Embryo orientations: 4-cell, Dome stage and 50% Epiboly stage, top view; 8-somite, dorsal view with anterior oriented at the top; Prim-5 stage, lateral views with anterior oriented toward the left. Arrows show the normal location of PGCs, arrowheads demonstrate the aberrant position of PGCs in cftr mutant. Region between two dotted circles on embryo shows normal location of PGCs. The numbers indicated in each picture are the number (left) of affected embryos with phenotype similar to what is shown in the picture and the total number (right) of observed embryos. The same number labeling was used thereafter.