Fig. 1-S3
- ID
- ZDB-FIG-180801-17
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- LLeras Forero et al., 2018 - Segmentation of the zebrafish axial skeleton relies on notochord sheath cells and not on the segmentation clock
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Disruption of segmental output in the anterior PSM of her1;her7 mutants. In situ hybridization for segmentation clock output markers. (A-b') Two examples of mespb expression in the anterior PSM of wild type embryos, present as segmental stripes (A, a and A’, a’) whereas mespb expression is diffuse and lacking segmental organization in her1−/−;her7−/− (B, b and B’, b’). (C-H) Comparison of segmental markers paraxial protocadherin (papc), ripply1 and ripply2 between wild type and her1−/−;her7−/− embryos. papc (C) ripply1 (D) and ripply2 (E) are expressed as stripes in the anterior PSM and ripply1 is also expressed in the posterior compartment of the formed somites in wild type, but all markers show disrupted segmental organization in her1−/−;her7−/− (F, G and H respectively). A - H are dorsal views of 13.5 hpf (10 somites) flat-mounted embryos. Scale bar in C is 100 µm and applies to A - H. Scale bar in a is 50 µm and applies to insets a, a’, b and b’. |