Fig. S3
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- ZDB-FIG-180615-13
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- Brown et al., 2017 - Neuregulin-1 is essential for nerve plexus formation during cardiac maturation
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Adult cardiovascular consequences in nrg1z26, nrg1‐III specific allele. (A) Gross appearance of adult nrg1WT and nrg1z26/z26 fish. (B) Body mass normalized to standard length in adult fish SL 20±2, N=12. (C) Critical swimming speed of adult fish SL=15±1 N=8. (D) Weekly survival of nrg1WT and nrg1z26/z26 clutchmates reared separately in N=7 tanks of 10 fish each. (E‐F) Heart rate variance (HRV) and heart rate in beats per minute measured via electrocardiogram, SL=15±1, N=3–5. (G‐H) Representative electrocardiographs from nrg1WT and nrg1z26/z26 fish. (I) Representative z‐projections of confocal images anti‐acetylated α‐tubulin axon staining on the dorsal surface of SL 15 fish with the atrium removed. (J) Quantification of ventricle surface innervation as the quotient of the total length of axons and ventricle surface in N>3 hearts at SL 10±1, SL 15±1, and SL 17.5±1. Abbreviations a=atrium, v=ventricle, ba= bulbous arteriosus. Student's T‐test mutant compared to wild type. Error bars are S.E.M. ^P=0.05‐0.10, *P=0.01‐0.05, **P=0.001–0.01. |