Fig. S3
A cell autonomous requirement for nanog for miR-430 activity. A. Wild-type and MZnanog embryos were injected at the 1-cell stage with 100 pg GFP-3xPT-miR-430 mRNA, which contains three targets sites for miR-430 in the 3? UTR. Images were taken at 6.5 hpf, and representative images are shown for each genotype (wildtype n=28; MZnanog n=11). B. A diagram of transplantation of MZnanog cells (injected with DsRed mRNA and GFP miR-430 reporter mRNA) into wild-type host embryos (injected only with GFP miR-430 reporter mRNA). Transplants were performed at 3-4 hpf, and embryos were imaged at 8 hpf. Donor cell contribution to the host embryo is detected by DsRed expression. C. A representative transplant host embryo imaged at the animal pole (from 3 independent experiments, n=33). GFP miR-430 reporter expression is repressed in wild-type host cells but detected in transplanted MZnanog cells (co-expressing DsRed). |