WISH analysis of rnf152 MO using notch1a and notch3 as probes. (A, D) notch1a transcripts in the eye, forebrain, midbrain, and hindbrain of WT embryos at 24 hpf. (B, E) Embryos injected with 5′ mismatch at 24 hpf showed similar patterns to those of WT embryos. (C, F) rnf152 MO shows remarkable reduction of notch1a transcripts in the eyes, forebrain, midbrain, and hindbrain at 24 hpf. Eyes, mid-hindbrain were shown in red arrowheads. Transcripts of notch3 in (I, L) rnf152 MO, (G, J) WT, and (H, K) 5′ mismatch control at 24 hpf. notch3 transcripts were present in the olfactory bulbs, midbrain, and hindbrain in WT and 5′ mismatch control whereas they were significantly diminished in the corresponding areas of rnf152 MO. Red arrowheads indicate eyes, mid-hindbrain tissues (n = 3). Scale bars (A–L): 50 μm.