Fig. s4
Supplementary Figure 4. High magnification of jag1b and jag2b double mutant livers. (a-b) Wild type (a) and jag1b-/-;jag2b-/- mutant (b) livers labelled for Prox1 (red), Hnf4a (blue), and Tp1:GFP (green) reveals some double mutant embryos retain 1-2 intrahepatic duct cells (arrow, b, representative sample, 12/17 double mutants) (c, d) Enlargement from Figure 2a-b of wildtype (c) and jag1b-/-;jag2b-/- livers (d) labeled for Prox1 (red), Hnf4a (blue), and Alcama (green). Low-level Alcama expression that persists in mutants is otherwise associated with cells expressing both Prox1 and Hnf4a. Scale bars, 25?M |