Fig. 2
- ID
- ZDB-FIG-171205-22
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- Poureetezadi et al., 2016 - Prostaglandin signaling regulates nephron segment patterning of renal progenitors during zebrafish kidney development
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Exogenous prostaglandin activity promotes proximal straight tubule identity. (A) Embryos were exposed to 100 µM dmPGE2 between 4 hpf and 24 hpf. WISH was used to stain for the PCT (slc20a1a), PST (trpm7), DE (slc12a1), and DL (slc12a3) (purple) and the somites (smyhc1) (red) at the 24 hpf stage. Black bars indicate segment gene expression domain. Red scale bar, 70 µm. (B,C) The PST and DL segments were measured in microns after incubation in 100 μM of dmPGE2 (n = 5 for each control and experimental group). (D) Summary depicting the nephron segments after exogenous dmPGE2 treatment. Data are represented as ± SD, significant by t test comparing each drug treatment to the DMSO control, *p<0.05, ***p<0.0005. |