Fig. 5
Knockdown of PDX1 and knockout of ELMO1 causes alterations in podocytic structure within zebrafish embryos aged 48 hpf. (A,B) Podocytes (P) in Co. Mo. and Co. CRISPR zebrafish embryos aged 48 hpf are well developed and have well defined foot processes that interdigitate amongst themselves to form functional filtration barriers (white arrow heads). (C) Upon PDX1 knockdown, complete distrophy of podocyte foot processes is observed. (D) Upon ELMO1 knockout, foot processes are immature and are unable to interdigitate to form an appropriate filteration barrier. The white line indicates the scale bar corresponding to 1 μm length. Number of embryos analysed per sample group were 10. |
Fish: | |
Knockdown Reagents: | |
Observed In: | |
Stage: | Long-pec |