Fig. S1

Lamont et al., 2016 - The LIM-homeodomain transcription factor Islet2a promotes angioblast migration
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Fig. S1

Spatiotemporal expression of isl2 during development A) isl2 expression is first observed at the 12S stage in the lateral posterior mesoderm (lpm) and motoneurons of the trunk (mn). B-C) At both 14-16S and 18-19S, isl2 expression continues in the ventral lateral trunk (v). D) At 20-22S, expression of isl2 is now seen in the Rohon Beard cells of the trunk (rb), as well as motoneurons and the ventral medial trunk. E) Expression in Rohon Beard and motoneurons increases by 24-26S, but expression of isl2 in the ventral trunk is diminished (F, enlargement). G) At 24hpf, expression is no longer seen in the ventral trunk. Scale bar for all panels (except F, which is an enlargement of E) represents 100 μm.  

Expression Data
Anatomical Terms: (all 6)
Stage Range: 10-13 somites to Prim-5

Expression Detail
Antibody Labeling
Phenotype Data

Phenotype Detail
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Reprinted from Developmental Biology, 414, Lamont, R.E., Wu, C.Y., Ryu, J.R., Vu, W., Davari, P., Sobering, R.E., Kennedy, R.M., Munsie, N.M., Childs, S.J., The LIM-homeodomain transcription factor Islet2a promotes angioblast migration, 181-92, Copyright (2016) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Biol.