Fig. S7
Partial Notch inhibition results in the loss of arterial identity in notch1b-15 endogenous mutant fish. (A) At 3dpf, notch1b-15uq1mf/uq1mf mutant embryos treated with 5?M DAPT showed a significant reduction in the number of arterial connections (red arrowheads) between the dorsal longitudinal anastomotic vessel (DLAV) and dorsal aorta (DA), as indicated by the loss of YFP expression in the tg(fltYFP) background. (B) Quantification of YFP positive intersomitic vessels that connect between DLAV and DA in control (0?M DAPT) individual embryos at 3dpf. Vessels are labeled by tg(fltYFP). Mean ± SEM; scored sibling WT (+/+), n=3; Het (uq1mf/+), n=18; Hom (uq1mf/1mf), n=12; Mann-Whitney. (ns) No significant difference. |