Fig. S2
Many organs other than the brain and neural tube were not affected in fn10a mutants. RNA in situ hybridization with the organ-specific markers skeletal muscle myoD (A, A'), macrophage lysozyme C (B, B'), hematopoietic cmyb (C, C'), digestive organ foxa3 (D, D'), kidney pax2 (E, E') and wt1a (F, F'), ventricle myosin heavy chain (vmhc) (G, G'), and atrium myosin heavy chain (amhc) (H, H') in fn10a siblings (A-H) and fn10a mutants (A'-H'). Note that these organ-specific genes appeared to be normally expressed in fn10a mutants compared with those in wild-type siblings. Scale bars, 200 μm. The number of embryos assayed was ≥14 for each panel. |