Nonhematopoietic defects in lsd1it627 embryos. (A) Expression of lsd1 at the indicated developmental stages was analyzed in WT or lsd1it627 embryos. Ubiquitous expression of lsd1 in zebrafish embryos was impaired in lsd1it627 mutants. (B) Survival rates of lsd1it627 mutants calculated using the Kaplan?Meier method. (C) Results of a comparison of the phenotypes between lsd1it627 and gata1m651 mutants at 4 dpf. The arrows and arrowheads indicate the swim bladder and erythrocytes in the heart, respectively. The presence of pale erythrocytes due to erythropoietic defects was detected in both lsd1it627 and gata1m651 mutants, whereas defects in the swim bladder were only observed in lsd1it627 mutants.