Cardiac and pectoral fin abnormalities in hst mutant embryos. (A,C,F,H) Wild-type embryos; (B,D,E,G,I,J) hst mutant siblings. (A,B) Immunostaining with the cardiac-specific antibody MF-20 at 48 hfp in hearts of embryos near completion of looping (ventral views, anterior towards top). (C-I) Live embryos. (C-E) 3 dpf. hst mutant embryos (D,E) have mild to severe pericardial edema and an unlooped, stretched heart. (F,G) 48 hpf. (F) Wild-type embryos display pectoral fin buds with apical fold (arrowheads). (G) Pectoral fin buds are missing in hst mutant embryos (bracket). (H,I) 3 dpf. (H) Wild-type pectoral fins elongate, but (I) hst mutant embryos have still not developed fin buds (brackets). (C-G) Lateral views; (H,I) dorsal views. a, atrium, v, ventricle.