Fig. 6

Deml et al., 2015 - Mutations in MAB21L2 Result in Ocular Coloboma, Microcornea and Cataracts
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Fig. 6

Analysis of proliferation patterns and differentiation markers in wild-type and mutant embryos.

Immunostaining with PCNA (Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen) (green), DAPI (blue), wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) (red) was performed using 24?72-hpf wild-type embryos (A-F) as well as mab21l2Q48Sfs*5 (G-L) and mab21l2R51_F52del (M-R) mutant tissues. Embryonic stages are indicated above; overlay fluorescence images are shown and single immunoreactivity data is available in S4 Fig. White arrowheads point to defects in retinal invagination and regions of abnormal retinal folding (H,M,N) observed in both mab21l2Q48Sfs*5 and mab21l2R51_F52del embryos (please see text), as well as areas of aberrant PCNA labeling (I,K,O,Q). Please also note the absence of PCNA staining in the anterior lens epithelium of 48- and 72-hpf mab21l2Q48Sfs*5 mutants (J,L). ale, anterior lens epithelium; c, cornea; cmz, ciliary marginal zone; le, lens; on, optic nerve; r, retina.

Expression Data

Expression Detail
Antibody Labeling
Phenotype Data
Observed In:
Stage Range: Prim-5 to Pec-fin

Phenotype Detail
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