Lineage labeling shows dbx1b-positive cells give rise to only dorsal habenular neurons. (A-C) A dbx1bBAC:cre transgene lineage-labeled (magenta) nearly all Elav3l-positive neurons in the habenulae (cyan). See text for details. The bright area marked with X was due to trapped debris, not actually signal. (D-G) In the same lineage-labeling experiment, an Elav3l-negative domain corresponding the habenular progenitor domain, which is labeled by dbx1b expression (green), was clearly discernible as shown by coronal sections. (H-J) Lineage-labeled cells were restricted within the cadps2-positive dorsal habenular domain except right along the ventricle. (K-M) Lineage-labeled cells were excluded from the aoc1-positive ventral habenulae. Scale bars are 50 μm.