Fig. S1
- ID
- ZDB-FIG-150415-34
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- Dean et al., 2014 - Dbx1b defines the dorsal habenular progenitor domain in the zebrafish epithalamus
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Dbx1b is expressed in the dorsal diencephalon. Lateral and dorsal views of a 28 hpf wildtype embryo. (A and B) In situ hybridization for dbx1a (blue) revealed several expression domains, including the olfactory bulb (Ob), prethalamus (pT), thalamus (Th), and midbrain (Mb) throughout the brain, but no expression in the dorsal diencephalon (arrow heads). (C and D) dbx1b transcript (blue) was expressed in a similar pattern but with greatly reduced expression in thalamus and robust expression in the dorsal diencephalon and olfactory bulb. otx5 (red) marks the pineal complex (P), a component of the dorsal diencephalon. Scale bars are 10 μm. |
Genes: | |
Fish: | |
Anatomical Terms: | (all 6) |
Stage: | Prim-5 |