Fig. S1
- ID
- ZDB-FIG-140811-33
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- Ju et al., 2014 - Activation of Sonic hedgehog signaling in neural progenitor cells promotes glioma development in the zebrafish optic pathway
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Transient transgenic expression of Smoa1-EGFP resulted in CNS tumor development. (a) A six month-old fish expressing krt5-driven transgene showing a small eye (arrow). (a′) Histological analysis showed this fish had retinal dysplasia. (b) Another six-month-old krt5 fish showing a unilateral eye tumor. (b′-b′′) Histological analysis revealed a glioma-like tumor. (c) A brain tumor identified from an eight-month-old fish expressing Smoa1-EGFP driven by the nestin gene promoter, note the tumor had high level of GFP expression (c′). (d) A one-year-old fish expressing Smoa1-EGFP driven by the gfap gene promoter developed a medulloepithelioma-like eye tumor (d?-d′′). White frames indicate areas that were enlarged. |