Fig. S2

Kujawski et al., 2014 - Calcineurin regulates coordinated outgrowth of zebrafish regenerating fins
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Fig. S2

Treatment with a calcineurin inhibitor does not result in disproportionate growth between tissues, related to Figure 1. (A) Masson’s Trichrome-stained cross section through a bony ray of a DMSO-treated 7 dpa regenerating fin. (B) Masson’s Trichromestained cross section through a bony ray of a FK506-treated 7 dpa regenerating fin. (C) Higher magnification of Toluene blue-stained section of a distal regenerating tip of DMSOtreated fins at 7 dpa. (D) Higher magnification of Toluene blue-stained section of a distal regeneration tip of FK506-treated fins at 7 dpa. (E) Graphed measurements of the epidermal thickness (width) from bone to outer surfaces at the 0, 100 and 200 µm from the distal tip of DMSO- and FK506-treated regenerating fins at 7 dpa. (F) Graph of the thickness (width) of the central mesenchymal compartment between bone hemirays at 100 and 200 μm from the distal tips of DMSO- and FK506-treated regenerating fins at 7 dpa. (G) Graph of area measurements of several cells (n = 6) in the wound epidermis and blastema of DMSO- and FK506-treated fins. (H) Graph of the number of cells from the distal tip to 200 μm in the wound epidermis and blastema of DMSO-and FK506-treated fins. (I) BrdU-incorporation (red) in DAPI-stained (blue) fin treated with DMSO for 42 days. (J) Cross section of BrdU– labeled (red) in DAPI-stained (blue) fin. (K) BrdU-incorporation (red) in DAPI-stained (blue) fin treated with FK506 for 42 days. (L) Cross section of BrdU-labeled (red) in DAPI-stained (blue) fin. (M) Graph of BrdU measurements of BrdU-positive nuclei observed from cross sections. (n = 3 caudal fins per treatment group, and 3 different section locations per fin). p values determined by Students’s T-test. Scale bars are 2 mm (A,B); 400 μm (C,D) (I,K) 100 μm and (J,L) 20 μm. (E-H,M) Data are represented as mean +/- SD.

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Reprinted from Developmental Cell, 28, Kujawski, S., Lin, W., Kitte, F., Börmel, M., Fuchs, S., Arulmozhivarman, G., Vogt, S., Theil, D., Zhang, Y., Antos, C.L., Calcineurin regulates coordinated outgrowth of zebrafish regenerating fins, 573-87, Copyright (2014) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Cell