Fig. 2

Kujawski et al., 2014 - Calcineurin regulates coordinated outgrowth of zebrafish regenerating fins
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Fig. 2

FK506 Treatment of Uninjured Adult Fish Induces Allometric Growth of the Fin

(A and B) Adult caudal fin (A) before DMSO treatment at 0 days posttreatment (dpt) and (B) after DMSO treatment for 14 days.

(C and D) Fin (C) before FK506 treatment and (D) after treatment with FK506 14 dpt.

(E) Graph of DMSO- and FK506-treated fin measurements at 14 dpt. p < 0.005.

(F and H) Caudal fins before treatment.

(G) Same adult fin in (F) after 42 dpt with DMSO.

(I) Same adult fin in (H) after 42 dpt with FK506.

(J) Graph shows no significant differences in body lengths before and after 42 days of treatment either with DMSO or FK506.

(K) ISH for lef1 in DMSO-treated fin at 5 dpt.

(L) lef1 ISH in FK506-treated fin at 5 dpt.

(M) ISH for raldh2 expression in DMSO-treated fin at 5 dpt.

(N) ISH for raldh2 expression in FK506-treated fin 5 dpt.

(O) ISH for shh expression in DMSO-treated fin at 5 dpt.

(P) ISH for shh expression in FK506-treated fin at 5 dpt.

(Q) ISH for fa93e10 expression in DMSO-treated fin 5 dpt.

(R) ISH for fa93e10 expression in FK506-treated fin 5 dpt.

(S) qRT-PCR results showing differences in fold gene expression of FK506-treated over DMSO-treated fins at 14 dpt.

Asterisks in (A)–(D) demarcate the same segment before and after treatments, and lines indicate length of measurement. In (E) and (S), each point represents qRT-PCR result from a cDNA pool of eight fins. In (K)–(R), each panel represents in situ results of two or more fins from three or more experiments. Scale bars, 0.1 mm (A–D and F–I) and 200 μm (K–R).

Expression Data

Expression Detail
Antibody Labeling
Phenotype Data

Phenotype Detail
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Reprinted from Developmental Cell, 28, Kujawski, S., Lin, W., Kitte, F., Börmel, M., Fuchs, S., Arulmozhivarman, G., Vogt, S., Theil, D., Zhang, Y., Antos, C.L., Calcineurin regulates coordinated outgrowth of zebrafish regenerating fins, 573-87, Copyright (2014) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Cell