Fig. 7
Calcineurin Inhibitors Regulate the Endogenous Retinoic Acid Program (A) qRT-PCR comparing genes regulating retinoic acid in 28 dpa regenerating FK506-treated fins to values of DMSO-treated regenerating fins. (B) qRT-PCR of the same genes comparing values of regenerating CsA-treated fins to values of regenerating DMSO control fins at 28 dpa. (C–H) ISH at 5 dpa for raldh2 of DMSO (C) and FK506-treated fins (D); for cyp26a1 of DMSO (E) and FK506-treated fins (F); for crapb2b in DMSO (G) and FK506-treated fins (H). (I) qRT-PCR for agr2 comparing values of FK506-treated fins to DMSO-treated fins at 28 dpa. (J and K) agr2 ISH in 3 dpa DMSO (J) and FK506 (K) fins. Red lines in (J2) and (K2) show proximodistal range of agr2 staining. (L and M) Cross-sections of in situs for agr2 on regenerating fins after DMSO- (L) and FK506- (M) treated fins. (N) qRT-PCR for retinoic acid regulating genes comparing values of FK506-treated unamputated fins to DMSO-treated unamputated fins at 5 dpt. (O and P) raldh2 ISH for unamputated 5 dpt DMSO (O) and FK506-treated fins (P). (Q and R) rarγ expression in unamputated fins 5 dpt with DMSO (Q) or with FK506 (R). (S) qRT-PCR for rarγ expression comparing values from 5 dpt FK506-treated unamputated fins to values of DMSO-treated fins. (T) qRT-PCR for agr2 expression comparing values from 5 dpt FK506-treated unamputated fins to values of DMSO-treated fins. (U and V) agr2 ISH of unamputated fins at 5 dpt for DMSO (U) and FK506 (V). (U2 and V2) Enlarged fin images of indicated unpigmented find in (U) and (V), respectively. Blue arrows indicate agr2 in situ staining. Black arrowhead indicates pigment cell at the border of the enlarged panel (V). (W and X) Cross-sections of in situs for agr2 on unamputated fins after DMSO- (W) and FK506- (X) treated fins. In (A), (B), (I), (N), (S), and (T), each point represents qRT-PCR experiments of a cDNA pool of eight harvested fins. In (C)–(H), (J)–(M), (O)–(R), and (U)–(X), each panel represents in situ results of two or more fins from three or more experiments. Scale bars, 200 μm (C–H, J, K, and Q–V), 25 μm (L, M, W, and X), and 100 μm (O and P). |
Reprinted from Developmental Cell, 28, Kujawski, S., Lin, W., Kitte, F., Börmel, M., Fuchs, S., Arulmozhivarman, G., Vogt, S., Theil, D., Zhang, Y., Antos, C.L., Calcineurin regulates coordinated outgrowth of zebrafish regenerating fins, 573-87, Copyright (2014) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Cell