Fig. 4

Alvers et al., 2014 - Single continuous lumen formation in the zebrafish gut is mediated by smoothened-dependent tissue remodeling
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Fig. 4

Basolateral adhesions separate lumens along the AP axis. (A-A22) Whole-mount confocal image of an embryo expressing GFP-Podocalyxin (false colored in red) and stained for cadherin (green) shows luminal expansion during a fusion event. Ras-RFP (white) marks cell membranes. Arrows mark fusion event. Blue, DAPI. (B-B22) Optical sections from a z-stack surrounding a fusion event. (C-C2) Whole-mount confocal image of a TgBAC(GFP-cldn15la) embryo shows a putative adhesion snapping event during fusion. The arrow marks adhesion at the surface. (D-D2) Whole-mount confocal image of an embryo expressing GFP-Podocalyxin (red) and stained for cadherin (green) shows adhesion snapping during fusion. Ras-RFP (white) marks cell membranes. The arrow marks adhesion at the surface. (E-E2) Optical sections from z-stack surrounding a fusion event. The asterisk marks a cell with adhesion. (F,F2) Space-fill projection labeling cells surrounding the fusion event. Lumen, red. The asterisk marks a cell with adhesion. Scale bars: 10 μm.

Expression Data
Anatomical Terms:
Stage: Long-pec

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Antibody Labeling
Phenotype Data

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