Fig. 2
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- ZDB-FIG-130619-23
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- Nair et al., 2013 - The chromosomal passenger protein birc5b organizes microfilaments and germ plasm in the zebrafish embryo
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motley mutant eggs fail to complete meiosis II. In water-activated wild-type eggs, sister chromatids align at meiotic spindle poles during anaphase (A?C). The meiotic spindle bundles into a nascent midbody between one set of condensing (D, F arrow) and one set of decondensing chromatid sets (D?F). The smaller, condensed polar body (G, I arrow) and the decondensed, larger female pronucleus separate with the meiotic midbody attached to the polar body (G?I). In motley eggs, sister chromatids spread along the bent meiotic spindle (J?L). Sister chromatid sets cannot be distinguished as pronucleus or polar body and a smaller meiotic midbody is occasionally seen in motley (M?O). Sister chromatids attempt to separate but remain connected by chromosomal bridges spanning several microns (P?R, arrows). |