Expression ofgrem2 in pharyngeal arch primordia during cardiac tube migration. (A,B) Whole mount images of grem2 (purple)- and cmlc2 (red)-stained embryos in dorsal (A) and lateral (B) views, anterior to the left. grem2 is expressed in the first two pharyngeal arches (blue arrows point to the left first arch, black arrows to the left second arch) as the cardiac progenitors begin to assemble in the midline. During cardiac jogging to the left, the heart tube (yellow arrowhead) is positioned next to grem2-expressing pharyngeal mesoderm and subsequently passes ventrally to the grem2-expression domain in the left first pharyngeal arch. (C) Cross-sections of zebrafish embryos double-labeled for grem2 and cmlc2. h, hours post fertilization; A, anterior; P, posterior; nt, neural tube; y, yolk.