Fig. S4
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- ZDB-FIG-130429-20
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- Wolf et al., 2013 - Specification of posterior hypothalamic neurons requires coordinated activities of Fezf2, Otp, Sim1a and Foxb1.2
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otp and the prethalamic markers arx and gsx2 are severely reduced in fezf2 morphants. One-dpf wild-type embryos (A,C,E,G) and embryos injected with 4 ng fezf2 MO (B,D,F,H) were subjected to WISH to detect changes in the expression of otpa, otpb, arx and gsx2. (A-D) fezf2 morphants display a strong reduction in otpa (B; n=27/29) and otpb (D; n=24/24) in the anterior diencephalic expression (arrows) and a loss in the posterior diencephalic expression domain (arrowheads). (E-H) The expression of arx (E,F, arrows; n=25/25) and gsx2 (G,H, arrows; n=28/28) is reduced in the prethalamus. Lateral views are shown. Tel, telencephalon; Hyp, hypothalamus; LOF, loss-of-function. Scale bar: 100 μm. |