Fig. S1
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- ZDB-FIG-130429-17
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- Wolf et al., 2013 - Specification of posterior hypothalamic neurons requires coordinated activities of Fezf2, Otp, Sim1a and Foxb1.2
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The tuberal hypothalamus is ventral to the mammillary area. (A-B-′′′ ′) Three-color FISH detecting the expression of pomca, fezf2, dlx2a, nr5a1a and foxb1.2 in 2-dpf wild-type embryos with DIC (A-′′′ ′,B-′′′ ′). (A-A-′′′ ′) The hypothalamic expression of pomca (arrows) is anterior to its adenohypophyseal expression (arrowheads) and ventral to the mammillary fezf2 signal. dlx2a is expressed between the tuberal hypothalamic and adenohypophyseal pomca expression domains. (B-B-′′′ ′) nr5a1a expression (arrows) is ventral to the foxb1.2 expression. (C) Scheme showing relative expression of the marker genes to distinguish between tuberal and mammillary regions. Lateral views of maximum projections of 10 μm confocal z-stacks are shown. Tel, telencephalon; HB, hindbrain; PO, preoptic area; tuberal hyp, tuberal hypothalamus; adenohyp, adenohypophysis. Scale bar: 100 μm. |