Fig. S4
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- ZDB-FIG-130401-12
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- Seredick et al., 2012 - Zebrafish Mnx proteins specify one motoneuron subtype and suppress acquisition of interneuron characteristics
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With the exception of mnx2b which is regulated by Lhx3 and Lhx4, expression of mnx genes is independent of Islet, Nkx6, Lhx3, Lhx4, and other Mnx paralogs. (AAA) Lateral views of control and MO-injected embryos colabeled with islet2a (green) to mark CaP and VaP. Segment boundaries are demarcated with diagonal lines. At 18 hpf, expression of mnx1 (A, B), mnx2a (C, D) and mnx2b (E, F) are unaffected by absence of Islet1. Note that islet2a is not expressed in the absence of islet1. At 18 hpf, expression of mnx1 (A, G), mnx2a (C, H) and mnx2b (E, I) are unaffected by absence of Nkx6.1 and Nkx6.2. At 24 hpf, expression of mnx1 (J, K) and mnx2a (L, M) are unaffected by absence of Lhx3 and Lhx4. mnx2b is not expressed in the absence of Lhx3 and Lhx4 (N, O). At 18 hpf, expression of lhx3 (P, Q) and lhx4 (R, S) are unaffected by absence of Mnx proteins. At 16 hpf, expression of mnx2a (T, U) and mnx2b (V, W) are unaffected by absence of Mnx1. (XAA) Embryos labeled only for expression of mnx genes. Expression of mnx1 (X, Y) and mnx2b (Z, AA) are unaffected by absence of Mnx2a. We did not examine expression of mnx1 and mnx2a in the absence of Mnx2b as we did not detect Mnx2b protein before 20 hpf. Note that panels M, O and Q are reproduced from Figure 1 to facilitate comparison of gene expression in control and MO-injected embryos. Scale bar: 10 μm. |