Spatio-temporal expression pattern of zve-ptp. (A) zve-ptp and β-actin temporal expression analysis is performed by qualitative RT-PCR analysis on total RNAs extracted from oocytes and different embryonic and larval stages (from 2 cells to 120 hpf). Negative control is showed in the right-most line. The sizes of the obtained PCR fragments are indicated. zve-ptp is expressed both maternally and zygotically during zebrafish development. (B–K) The zve-ptp spatial expression was analyzed by WISH at various developmental stages. Lateral (B) and dorsal (C) view of a 26 hpf embryo with anterior to the left; (B2) higher magnification of the tail shows the expression in the DA and CV. The transverse sections at the level of the head (D) and the tail (E) of a 26 hpf embryo labelled with zve-ptp probe show in detail the signal in head vessels and in the DA and CV. Lateral views of head (F) and magnification of the tail (G) of a 2 dpf embryo and lateral view of the head of a 3 dpf embryo (H). Cross sections at the level of head (I), aortic arches (J) and trunk (K) of a 3 dpf embryo. Black asterisk: AA1; black arrowhead: DA; white arrowhead: CV; red arrowhead: LDA; white arrows: vessels around the eyes; blue arrows: cranial vessels; black arrow: Se; red asterisks: aortic arches; light blue arrows: vessels around the lens; white asterisks: DLAVs.