Fig. 6
- ID
- ZDB-FIG-120601-44
- Publication
- Choe et al., 2012 - A Gal4/UAS system for conditional transgene expression in rhombomere 4 of the zebrafish hindbrain
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Characterization of embryos from a hoxb1a(β-globin):Gal4VP16um60/UAS(β-actin):hoxa3aum61 cross. Embryos were collected at 48 hpf and assayed for expression of islet1 to detect motor neurons (A, C) and 3A10 to detect Mauthner neurons (B, D). E: Embryos with normal or abnormal nVII migration were picked from two representative experiments and genotyped by PCR for the presence of the Gal4VP16 and the UAS:Hoxa3a transgene. nV, trigeminal motorneuron; nVII, facial motorneuron; nX, vagal motorneuron. Asterisk in C indicates nVII neurons remaining in r4. All embryos are in dorsal view with anterior to the left. |