Fig. S6
The neural crest of sdp embryos migrates to its normal extent. (A-B) Migrating streams of neural crest as seen in a 24 hpf sox10:eos transgenic background. Somites are immunostained for MF20 (A). Scale bar: 250 μm. The neural crest signal (green) was thresholded (A2) and dorsoventral migration distance was measured across the rostrocaudal axis using a MatLab algorithm (B) (blue line). The raw migration data were smoothed by averaging (black line) and local maxima were detected by iterative point-to-point comparison (red circles). (C-D) sdpw12/w12 embryos exhibit neural crest that appears to migrate the appropriate distance. (E) Neural crest migration distance at 24 hpf is indistinguishable across all three sdpw12 genotypes. White circles, sdp+/+; gray circles, sdpw12/+; black circles, sdpw12/w12. Error bars represent s.d. |