Analysis of the origin of definitive myeloid cells in clo172 mutant. (A, B) lyc expression pattern at 3 dpf runx1/clo172 double mutant (A). WISH of lyc expression in siblings (A?i), clo172 mutant (A?ii), clo172 (-/-) runx1 (+/-) w84x (A-iii), double homozygous mutant (A?iv). Histogram of lyc+ cells number (means) in siblings(B, purple column), clo172 mutant (B, green column), clo172 (-/-) runx1 (+/-)w84x (B, pink column) and double homozygous mutant (B, blue column). There are significant differences between double mutant and other groups (*p<0.05), but no difference between clo172 mutant and clo172 (-/-) runx1 (+/-) w84x group (p>0.05). The corresponding case numbers were shown by n in column.