Taste bud development requires Fgf signaling. (A) Heatshock and SU5402 treatments in tg(hsp70l:dnfgfr1-EGFP)pd1/+ and wild-type embryos, respectively. (B-I) Ventral views of whole-mounted larvae heads. Asterisks indicate taste buds in the lips. Experimental conditions are indicated in the top right-hand corner, embryonic stage and scale bar are in the bottom left-hand corner and marker expression is in the bottom right-hand corner. Anterior is towards the left. (B-E) Calb2b (B,C, red), 5HT (B,C, cyan) and miR-200a (D,E, blue) expression in control (B,D) and Hsdnfgfr1+ (C,E) larvae after heatshock. (F,G) Wild-type immunostained for Calb2b after DMSO (F) and SU5402 (G) treatment, respectively. (H,I) Wild-type and ace?/? siblings (severe phenotype, for mild see Fig. S3A-D in the supplementary material) immunostained for Calb2b with strong reduction (arrow) of taste bud cells. Arrowheads in H indicate the palate (p) taste buds. Scale bars: 10 μm. b1-b5, branchial arches 1-5; h, hyoid arch; m, mandibular arch; oe, olfactory epithelium.