Fig. S4
ath5 is required for neurogenesis of the retina ganglion cells. A: HuC/D immunoreactivity was observed in the surface of RGC at 72 hpf. D: However, HuC/D staining was dramatically decreased in the ath5 morphant retina. The Zn12 antibody labeled RGCs and amacrine cells in the INL of the control retina at 72 hpf (B), but only the immunostaining in the INL, not the GCL, was detected in the ath5 morphant retina (E). C: Zpr1 immunostaining of control retina labeled a subset of cone photoreceptors in the ONL at 96 hpf. F: Similar to control, ath5 morphants showed a normal Zpr1 immunostaining pattern in the ONL. |