Localization of Crb2a constructs lacking the extracellular domain in rod photoreceptors and transgenic rod morphology. (A) Crb2a constructs lacking the extracellular domain. All constructs have a signal peptide (SP) followed by an HA tag. Crb2aIntraWT contains the transmembrane domain and intracellular sequence of Crb2a. Crb2aIntraΔFBD bears two mutations (Y10A and E16A) within the FERM-binding domain (FBD). Crb2aIntraΔPBD has the sequence following the FBD that contains the PDZ-binding domain (PBD) deleted. Crb2aIntraΔFBDΔPBD bears Y10A and E16A mutations within the FBD and the PBD the sequence following the FBD that contains the PDZ-binding domain (PBD) deleted. (B-F″) Confocal z-projections of 6 d rods labeled with GFP (green), Rhodopsin (blue) and anti-HA (red) antibodies. (B) Wild-type rods. (C-C″) Crb2aIntraWT transgenic rods. (D-D″) Crb2aIntraΔFBD transgenic rods. (E-E″) Crb2aIntraΔPBD transgenic rods. (F-F″) Crb2aIntraΔFBDΔPBD transgenic rods. Scale bar, 5 μm (B-F″).