Development of trunk neuromast sensory organs fails in the eif3ha morphants. Shown are representative embryos after staining with Di-Asp at 3 dpf to identify neuormasts. A: The representative embryo demonstrates the normal distribution of neuromasts (bright yellow spots) in an uninjected wild-type (WT) embryo. B,C: This is compared with one of the representative embryos injected with either 3 ng of eif3ha SB morpholino (MO-3ha) as shown in B or 2-4 ng of eif3hb TB morpholino (MO-3hb) as shown in C. Note that at this dose, the severe brain defect did not occur using MO-3ha, although most of the trunk neuromasts are absent in the eif3ha morphants (90-95%, n ~ 100). In contrast, for the eif3hb morphants, neuromast formation appears normal even though the cardiac phenotype for this morphant begins to appear (indicated by the white arrow).