Fig. S1
Two related igf-1 receptors are expressed in zebrafish fins. (A) Quantification of expression levels of igf-1ra and igf-1rb normalized to ubiquitously expressed β-actin reference gene in amputated fins at 0, 24 and 72 hpa (error bars indicate the s.e.m.; n=3 samples prepared from 10-15 fins). The normalized gene expression (NGE) values were calculated with the Pfaffl method and multiplied by a factor of 10,000. (B-D) In situ hybridization of fin sections at 72 hpa using control sense probe (B), antisense igf-1ra probe (C) and antisense igf-1rb probe (D). Both receptors appear to be ubiquitously expressed. Higher levels of expression are detected in the blastema. Scale bar: 50 μm. |