Mutations in the gene moonshine (mon) cause early defects in hematopoietic cell development leading to severe anemia. The relative strength of different alleles correlates with expression of GATA-1 mRNA detected by wholemount in situ hybridization. (A-D) Whole-mount in situ hybridization for GATA-1 expression in wildtype and mutant embryos at the 18 somite stage. (A) In wild-type embryos, GATA-1 is expressed in two stripes of hematopoietic cells that converge toward the dorsal midline to form the intermediate cell mass. (B) Embryos with the strongest allele, montb222b, express barely detectable levels of GATA-1. (C) The intermediate allele montc246b, results in a slightly increased GATA-1 expression. (D) The weakest allele, montc239b, has no obvious effect on GATA-1 expression at that stage. All embryos derived from a cross between montc239b heterozygous carriers looked the same as the embryos shown in D. (E-F) Isolated blood cells from wild-type and mutant larvae stained by the Wright-Giemsa method. (E) Blood cells from 5- day old wild-type larvae show the characteristic morphology of differentiated red blood cells. (F) The few blood cells circulating in 5- day old montb222b mutant larvae are large and basophilic. (G-H) Odianisidine staining for hemoglobin (arrow) in 2-day old wild-type and mutant embryos. (G) Hemoglobin in red blood cells is strongly stained in wild-type embryos. (H) In contrast, mon mutant embryos do not express detectable levels of hemoglobin. Scale bar (E,F) 20 µm.