The zebrafish homolog of Bili (zfBili) is expressed during embryogenesis. In situ hybridization using a sense (left column) and antisense probes (right column) were used to detect mRNA. (A) zfBili is expressed maternally as it is detected in the animal pole 4 h post-fertilization. (B) zfBili continues to be expressed ubiquitously at 50% epiboly. (C) 24 hpf zfBili remains ubiquitous but shows specific staining in the otic vesicle (arrow head). (D) Weak Bili expression in the tail at 36 hpf. (E) A second morpholino targeting zfBili (bilimo2) but not a control morpholino (como) enhances the Wnt8 overexpression phenotype (n = 50 for each condition). Embryos were scored as wt (green), small eyes (yellow), no eyes (orange) or severe (red). Data shown is representative from four independent experiments.