Morpholino knockdown of Megf8 causes situs discordance of heart tube and foregut. Zebrafish embryos injected with control or Megf8 morpholinos were examined for heart and gut situs defects using RNA in situ hybridization analysis with Nkx2.5 (A–D) and Foxa3 (E–H) probes to visualize the heart tube and gut, respectively. In the majority of zebrafish embryos injected with control morpholino, the heart tube exhibited normal rightward looping delineating a S-shaped heart tube (A), whereas the foregut showed normal leftward looping (E). Megf8 morpholino injection resulted in randomization of the direction of looping for both the heart tube (B–D) and foregut (F–H). Megf8 morphants show normal (B and F), reduced or no looping (C and G), or reversed looping (D and H). (I) The distribution of heart and foregut looping pattern observed in the control and Megf8 morphants is summarized in the bar graph. Note that 74% of Megf8 morphants show heterotaxy, as indicated by discordance in their heart and gut situs. (A–D) Embryos shown in ventral view with anterior at the top. (E–H) Embryos shown in ventral view with anterior at the top. (Scale bar: 100 μm.)