A-Y: Osteoblast gene expression: side views. Five stages of development are shown highlighting the development of the two related cranial bones, the third brachiostegal ray and the opercle, as well as the cleithrum, which is part of the shoulder. In addition, the parasphenoid and fifth ceratobranchial are labeled in F and H. The double arrow in L marks the distal edge of the second arch for reference. All views are of the left side of the head, focusing on the plane of the opercle, with the eye and yolk visible to either side (labeled in A). bs, brachiostegal ray; cb5, ceratobranchial arch 5 (including teeth); ch, ceratohyal; cl, cleithrum; de, dentary; en, entopterygoid; hm, hyomandibular; mx, maxilla; op, opercle; ps, parasphenoid. A high resolution image of this figure is available online. Scale bar = 100 μM in Y.