Fig. S5
Birthdate affects the sensory modalities of the trigeminal sensory ganglia. (A-F) Wild-type (A,D), neurogenin1 morphant (B,E), and neurogenin1 mutant (C,F) larvae were tested for their response to touch (A-C) and allyl isothiocyanate (D-F). Fish larvae were recorded using a video camera mounted on a dissection scope. Larvae were considered responsive if they instantaneously escaped the source of the stimulus. Touch stimulus was delivered by touching the head of the fish with a glass needle. Wild-type and neurogenin1-depleted 96 hpf larvae are responsive to touch (A-C). Response to allyl isothiocyanate diluted in DMSO (1:100) was tested. Wild-type (D) but neither neurogenin1 morphant (E) nor mutant larvae (F) are responsive to allyl isothiocyanate. For quantification, see Table 1. |