Fig. 6
Moe directly binds Crumbs proteins and Nok (Pals1). (A) His-Moe_FERM binds GST-Crb1, GST-Crb2a and GST-Crb2b. The blot was probed with anti-GST antibodies. Loading control, anti-HIS western blot of one-fortieth the material used in the experiment. (B) Far western analysis shows that membrane immobilized His-Moe_FERM (molecular weight approximately 55 kDa) binds GST-Crb1, GST-Crb2a and GST-Crb2b, but not GST alone, and no GST immunoreactivity is observed when His-Moe_FERM is incubated with buffer alone. Far westerns were probed with anti-GST antibodies. (C) GST-Nok-Int binds MBP-Moe_FERM but not MBP-Moe_C Term. The blot was probed with anti-MBP. Loading control, anti-GST western blot of one-twentieth the amount of MBP proteins loaded. (D) MBP-Moe_FERM but not MBP-Moe_C Term binds to membrane immobilized His-Nok_FL (Full Length) but not to His-Nok_N-term, which does not contain the predicted Band 4.1-binding domain. Far Westerns probed with anti-MBP. Loading control, anti-HIS Western blot of one-tenth the amount of His-fusion proteins. |