Fig. 5
Moe forms a complex with Crumbs proteins, Nok (Pals1), and Has (aPKC&lambda). (A) Anti-panCrb (anti-CRB3) antibodies coimmunoprecipitate Moe (recognized by guinea pig anti-Moe), Crb2a/b, and Nok from adult eye. NRS, normal rabbit serum. Arrows indicate Moe, Crb2a/b, Nok protein. One asterisk indicates rabbit antibody; two asterisks indicate cross-reactivity of anti-guinea pig-HRP with rabbit antibody. (B) His-Moe_FERM, but not His-LacZ, pulls down a ∼150 kDa protein from 3 dpf larval lysates that is recognized by anti-panCrb antibodies. (C) His-Moe_FERM, but not His-LacZ, pulls down an ∼80 kDa protein from wild-type 3 dpf larval lysates, but not from nok morphant lysates, recognized by anti-Nok antibodies. (D) Anti-Nok antibodies recognize an ∼80 kDa protein in 3 dpf wild-type lysates that is absent in nok mutants and morphants in western blot. (E) His-Moe_FERM, but not His-LacZ, pulls down an ∼80 kDa protein from adult eye lysates recognized by anti-Nok antibodies. (F) His-Moe_FERM pulls down ∼75 kDa and ∼50 kDa proteins from 3 dpf larvae lysates that are recognized by anti-PKCλ antibodies. (G) Anti-PKCλ antibodies recognize proteins of approximately 75, 57, 54 and 50 kDa in western blot of 3 dpf wild-type lysates; the 75 kDa and 50 kDa proteins are absent in lysates from has mutants (Has-/-). |