Fig. 3

Zhang et al., 2001 - A dual role for the zebrafish unplugged gene in motor axon pathfinding and pharyngeal development
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Fig. 3

The unplugged locus is absent in p4 mutants. (A) PCR amplification of SSLP markers from DNA of four p4/p4 mutant embryos and four sibling embryos. In sibling embryos (sibs), all tested markers are present. In the four p4/p4 embryos, LG 21 marker Z7643 and LG 10 markers Z9473 and Z3835 are present, while markers Z13685 and Z3260 (telomeric) are absent. (B) Schematic representation of LG 10 around the unplugged locus. Relevant SSLP markers located between the centromere (black circle) and the telomere are indicated. (C) In p4/p4 mutant embryos, LG 10 breaks between Z3835 and Z13685, deleting the entire chromosomal arm, including the unplugged locus.

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Reprinted from Developmental Biology, 240(2), Zhang, J., Malayaman, S., Davis, C., and Granato, M., A dual role for the zebrafish unplugged gene in motor axon pathfinding and pharyngeal development, 560-573, Copyright (2001) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Biol.