The progression of vascular leaks from radar morphants that initiate normal circulation at 25 hpf. (A) Dorsal anterior view of a whole-mount in situ hybridization for βE3-globin expression in a 25-hpf radar morphant embryo. Large black arrows and arrowheads in (A) denote blood cells in the common cardinal vein and the anterior extremities of the posterior cardinal vein, respectively. Small black arrows in (A) denote blood cells in the left and right lateral dorsal aorta. (B) Microangiography displaying normal posterior circulation in a 25-hpf radar morphant embryo. (C) Lateral view of a 35-hpf radar morphant embryo (anterior to left) displaying the genesis of a vascular leak. Red arrows denote direction of blood flow. (D) A higher power view of embryo in (C). Red arrowheads denote blood cells just dorsal to the notochord that have leaked from the dorsal aorta. (E) Cross-section of a 50-hpf wild type embryo (dorsal to top). (F) Magnified dorsal view of cross section in (E). (G) Similar view of a cross-section from a 50-hpf radar morphant, displaying red blood cells pooling around the dorsal extremities of the trunk (black arrowheads). DA, dorsal aorta; PCV, posterior cardinal vein; CA, caudal artery; CV, caudal vein; NT, neural tube; N, notochord; RBC, red blood cell. Scale bars in (A, B), (C), (E), and (F, G) represent 200, 100, 50, and 20 μm, respectively.