Fig. 3
EGFP-expressing cells within adult kidney are myelomonocytic. (A) Flow cytometry of definitive hematopoietic compartment from adult lysC::EGFP animals by light-scatter characteristics. Percentages represent the relative contribution of the gated compartment. Cytospin preparations of GFP-sorted cells following Leishman's staining show clear myelomonocytic morphology. Analysis of GFP detection demonstrates that the labeled cell population is almost exclusive to the myelomonocytic compartment where 57.4 ± 3.5% (n = 4) of cells were GFP-positive. (B-D) Immunohistochemical detection of EGFP within adult lysC::EGFP sections. (B and C) Low and high magnification views, respectively, of EGFP-expressing cells (marked by large arrows) located within the head kidney occupying space between the renal tubules. (D) EGFP-expressing cell within the epidermal surface (marked by large arrow). Abbreviations: RT, renal tubule; S, scale. Scale bars: 50 μm in B-D. |