Fig. 7
Labeled cells within transgenic larvae display phagocytic activity. Phagocytosis of red fluorescent microspheres by labeled cells within 4 dpf lysC::EGFP larvae. (A-C) Summed Z stacks through individual EGFP-labeled cells within 4 dpf transgenic larvae approximately 6 hours following injection of fluorescent microspheres. (D) Summed Z stacks through posterior intestine of DsRED2-expressing cells containing ingested GFP-labeled Salmonella following infection of lysC::DsRED2 larvae at 5 dpf (images captured at 8 dpf). Arrow denotes labeled cell containing GFP-labeled bacteria, arrowhead denotes a labeled cell actively phagocytosing a microcolony of GFP-expressing bacteria. Scale bars: 10 μm. |