Fig. 9
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- ZDB-FIG-070920-47
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- Sharma et al., 2005 - Role of Fyn kinase in signaling associated with epiboly during zebrafish development
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Morphology of calcium green fluorescence in normal and FynK299M-injected embryos. Embryos injected with calcium green-dextran and either c-Fyn mRNA (A–D) or FynK299M mRNA (E–H) as in Fig. 8 were imaged using a transmission detector to produce a ‘bright field’ image (upper panels) and separate images were recorded with the green filter (lower panels) to demonstrate calcium green fluorescence. Images were taken when the control embryo was at the high stage (3.3 hpf, A and E), sphere stage (3.8 hpf, B and F), dome stage (4.55 hpf, C and G), and at 50% epiboly (5.5 hpf, D and H). Magnification is indicated by the white bar which represents 100 μm. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.) |
Reprinted from Developmental Biology, 285(2), Sharma, D., Holets, L., Zhang, X., and Kinsey, W.H., Role of Fyn kinase in signaling associated with epiboly during zebrafish development, 462-476, Copyright (2005) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Biol.