Ednra1 is required for jaw joints and patterns ventral cartilage redundantly with Ednra2. Lateral views of 96 hpf larvae (A,D,G,J,M); flat mounts of stained cartilage (B,E,H,K,N); schematics of cartilages (C,F,I,L,O). (A) The jaw protrudes beneath the eye in wild type (arrowhead). (D,G) In Ednra1 or Ednra2 morphants, the jaw is still prominent (arrowhead). (J) In Ednra1;Ednra2 double morphants, the jaw is absent (arrow), reminiscent of suc;edn1-/- (M, arrow). (B,C) Four distinct jaw elements are visible in the anterior two arches: Meckel's (red, V1), palatoquadrate (blue, D1), ceratohyal (red, V2) and hyosymplectic (blue, D2). (E,F) In Ednra1 morphants, all four develop but fuse. (H,I) Ednra2 morphants are indistinguishable from wild-type siblings, whereas in Ednra1;Ednra2 double morphants (K,L), and in suc;edn1-/- (N,O), ventral elements V1 and V2 are lost.